Vermont Rep. Brian Cina Wants To See Kratom Decriminalized

12 Feb, 2020 Legality 4 Hit: 1979

Representative Brian Cina of Burlington, VT is sponsoring H.878, a bill that would decriminalize kratom.

Vermont is one of 6 states where kratom is banned outright (Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin are the others). This bill also decriminalizes psilocybin, ayahuasca, and peyote.

“People shouldn’t be criminalized for accessing these ancient treatments,” Rep. Cina told Burlington Free Press. “My belief is that substance use should be treated as a healthcare matter, not a crime.”

Unlike the Kratom Consumer Protection Act being proposed in other states, H.878 wouldn’t regulate the sale of kratom on a legal market, but those possessing kratom would not be subject to imprisonment.


Created On Thursday, October 19, 2023 Posted By Angie Comment Link
I wish we had more people like Rep. Cina working in the government. Substance abuse is a health concern NOT a crime!
Created On Friday, August 18, 2023 Posted By Trinity Comment Link
This is amazing!
Created On Friday, August 18, 2023 Posted By GL Comment Link
Have there been any developments on this story?
Created On Friday, August 11, 2023 Posted By Kerry Comment Link
This is awesome!!
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