People of Thailand Have Positive Views of Kratom Consumers

27 Mar, 2024 Information 0 Hit: 133

Thailand has a rich tradition of kratom use dating back centuries.

Kratom was made illegal in Thailand in 1943, as it competed with high tax revenue collected by the government on the sale of opium. Kratom continued to be consumed, and was even legally protected in certain regions in Southern Thailand as a traditional practice.

In 2021, Thailand removed kratom from its list of controlled substances. In 2022,Thailand passed a law regulating the trade, sale, consumption, study, and advertising of kratom leaves.

While some Americans are reacting to kratom with fear based on news reports, Thailand, with embedded traditional safe practices, and lower co-use of prescription and other drugs (which puts kratom consumers at risk), perceives kratom use as a non-threatening practice that increases worker productivity.

The Tambon Namphu area in Southern Thailand has a rich history and cultural tradition of kratom usage.

In a 2021 study, "the majority of Tambon Namphu residents across the six villages reported positive attitudes towards people who use Kratom and Kratom decriminalization"

These attitudes are also mirrored in the broader public opinion, as shown in online surveys.

Supporters of kratom decriminalization in Tambon Namphu typically see it as beneficial for work purposes. On the other hand, those who oppose decriminalization often cite its illegal status as their reason. This suggests that communities with a strong history of kratom use and positive attitudes are more likely to advocate for its decriminalization.

Despite calls for formalizing cultural rights related to kratom leaf usage, there is awareness of the negative health effects of kratom cocktails among young people in Tambon Namphu. These cocktails are not traditional use, and typically contain other ingredients such as cough syrup, or other drugs.

A collaborative approach led to the expansion of community-based kratom control measures to villages in Tambon Namphu and across Southern and Central Thailand. The successful development and implementation of a village charter in Donsai village and across Tambon Namphu were driven by a participatory approach, aligned with international participation principles. Villagers were actively involved in decision-making processes regarding kratom usage rules, tree registration, and oversight, ensuring a balance between community needs and Thai Office of the Narcotics Control Board objectives.



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